Hello. Can I make arrangements to receive the rank and chests I purchased during the EULA sale last year? I want to ensure I have inventory space. Ty. Think the new update is a success.
Hey Yom, could you take a look at my ban appeal? It’s been a few years since I’ve played on the server and I would like to start playing again. Thanks.
how many tokens do I get for recording videos, im trying to get my first soul weapon and would love to record videos of your server, but I am wondering how many tokens I get.
YouTubers in the past have been given donor-grade items as gifts. I don't know how it will be now that things have changed so much.
Oh, hi there. Probably not. If you could find a way to message him where he'd notice I'd be surprised. You could try Discord.
Yom love ya. Excited to see the wonders of the new Infernal Realms when it is released. Your work is much appreciated.
I'm wanting to create a lore thread on the forums, have you ever created a name for the "country" on InfectedRPG?
ok i said i wanted my wild crates on server 2 so i have them right here so when you come back can you please transfer them
yom bjoydaUniturtle help me create this accont can you give him some thing any reay hes a good mod and i love your severs this is the only one i play one thx
Hey Yom Xavier_Lizardman / trumcalder / rebbulls is hacking on warzone PVP may you IP Ban him he has been getting on so many peoples nerves thank you!
Voting is not working. Here is a pic. file:///D:/David/Documents/Bandicam/bandicam%202016-10-21%2018-22-34-661.jpg