1. You need to release 2.0 2. Carl grimes/rick grimes/judith grimes hat needs to be in 2.0 3. A new Map would be awsome and would give all the players new charm again into the gamemode 4. Infestors need to be in great citys and not justone of them more of them like 5 or 6 5 and cars please just finally work and release 2.0
and the bow needs to do more damage cuz i love tlou and they use the bows a lot there and the crossbow does a lot of damage so why not make the bow a bit more better so just give the bows that spawn in chest strength 2 or 3 enchantment and remove the enchtmant effect from the resource pack so it doenst look unrealistic
Yes I know but you gotta admit that this server grew because of dayz and players are on it because of dayz the last big update I can remember was when the guns got better but now there is nothing big you can really do other than changing the map and a new map would be awesome and there needs to be more hunting things and stuff but a map with cars added and real hunting would be a big update and of course new zombies I mean you put 3d model on patient 0 on you can do the same thing to the Reaver's and investors maybe the intestines got something like the clickers from tlou and the Reaver's get a little 3d glowing shine
yes it would be fantastic but yom doesnt have 50 devs at his disposal so, unless you can code the new update or pay someone to code the new update, play infernal.
Its not that hard to just tell the game in what area there needs to be investors and in what not you already did it and you dont have to code to put on the reavers and investors a 3d model.. you already did that with patient 0 sure cars could be hard but there is already a plugin out there so all the things i mentioned are not hard to do
as i said before, if yom had 50 developers at his disposable this would be done, however small a job implementing these things seem to you they still take work, and seeing as infernal is still filled with bugs it is not possible
it's funny how it has taken him more than 2 years to come out with something decent. like cmon, it's about how you fucking prioritize your time man