Here's a list of small things that could be fixed:
- Money is super easy to get with token crates, maybe make the higher amounts harder to get?
- Rare crates aren't rare, they're just uncommon.
- Also, certain ammo (such as small cal) doesn't stack with different small cal from different kits you have. The descriptions are different and it doesn't allow them to stack. This is also the same for some high sniper cal and shotgun ammo.
- Recipe notes have old, outdated recipes on them (such as the recipe for a backpack)
- Add a message 10-20 minutes before the helicopter crashes. Something such as "You hear the sound of rotor blades far into the distance" to let everybody know that a crash is coming, this would make more people prepared to go. There would be even more fights/pvp near heli crashes.
Side note: The economy in Infected is a problem. Money is super easy to get, limiting the chance of big rewards from token crates will help fix this problem. The addition of /market (The black market) will be a way to get money, instead of token crates (Sort of balancing out the nerf to token crates, while forcing players to work for money by selling items)
Here's a list of things that could be added:
- Black market (You've confirmed that this is being added, idk why I'm listing it)
- NPCs who sells simple stuff, such as ammo, medical supplies and armour. The currency for this could be useful items found around the world, such as scrap metal, wooden boards, gun parts or box of parts* (NPCs would be trying to get back on their feet and ensure safezone stays safe).
- A means of transport from safezone to major cities/checkpoints in the map (This would stop people from safezone camping and make getting around the map slightly easier for newbs).
- New bosses/Revamp P0. Now, most of us have seen a boss room in Infernal. It would be pretty amazing if the same idea was brought to Infected (Boss rooms, boss music and such).
- Smoke Monster, do something with him please

- Server lore? Add item descriptions to rare items/new books (Or update the books, spelling/grammar errors, etc) that tell us what happened. Make us hunt and piece together clues about what occurred in places such as Drydale, Pompeii and tell us about the city of Morta (before it was bombed?)
- Stats on common guns, dmg, velocity and reload time. You could possibly make the rare ones (such as PRL/xm8) unknown.
- Add more places to explore! Such as the Drydale catacombs and Imperious sewers or even new buildings/towns, cities or makeshift settlements (People may have tried to settle but were eventually overrun). Signs that people tried to erect new safezones but failed (Could be a place for a boss?).
- Mobs! May be hard to implement due to lag

, you could have survivors who died and turned into zombies. They would drop medical supplies, ammo and some guns (Could even drop rare items and be similar to a hoarder?)
- Texture pack! Maybe improve on some of the weapons in the texture pack?
- Revamp some towns/buildings in popular spawn cities (Just to make some things seem fresh and new). Personally I loved exploring the map. Stumbling on a building or scene I haven't seen before was a great feeling. I'd like to be able to feel it again.
- Music? We've seen music in Infernal and it would be pretty cool if we heard something in Safezone and around major cities.
- GIVE LEGENDARY A REASON. Legendary rank is pretty pointless. One big thing that I really liked in Infernal was that Legend rank has meaning. You need Legend to be able to use certain gear and ride dragons. Maybe implement the same idea in Infected? Something to motivate people to rank to Legendary, such as a command/perk.
*This could be items already in the game, so for example, a box of parts wouldn't only be used for upgrading guns. Different NPCs might ask for different items (such as cloth, sticks or fuel, or even player heads!)
The red
-, is ideas that I would personally LOVE to see.
These are just random ideas/small things I thought of. If I think of any more I'll post them here.
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