A different take on Steph's RP idea(just expanding on it)

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by TryaxReck, Nov 11, 2016.

  1. TryaxReck

    TryaxReck Member

    Nov 10, 2016
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    In order for an RP server to work, you MUST have to have a admin online AT ALL TIMES. In order for this to work, the RP server CANNOT be played on any time of day, instead it being authorized by an admin or mod. For example, an admin would be online, authorize everyone to get on and play, and then once he or she has to go, they can either: get someone else to supervise OR kick everyone and close down the server.

    Speech: If its gonna be RP, it must be realistic. If anyone has played HL2:RP on Garry's Mod you probably already know this. There needs to be a /me command (allows for you to do things in character that you can't visibly show in-game), a /ooc command (OOC stands for Out Of Character) where you can speak out of character, and a Local Out Of Character chat, that is more optional. Talking can only be heard from 20 blocks or so, and /me's can only be heard from 10.

    Guns and Gun mechanics: If its RP, you can only have 'realistic weapons' that you can find (No gold deagles or Hydra missles). The amount of guns that can be found will decrease dramatically, as well as ammunition for them. For mechanics, I ask you this. How many bullets can you take to the head before dying? 1-3 is the answer. To the chest? 3-4. So almost all weapons will have an increased damage, cause, ya know, metal balls flying at 80 MPH hurt.

    Armor: Armor is mostly the same, but the durability is drastically decreased. Lets take a military chestplate for example. It will be able to fully absorb about 2-4 shots(depending on the gun damage), but every shot will take out half or a quarter of the durability. Police gear will absorb maybe 2, and civilian will absorb 1, but not fully. Armor is ALSO rare, due to it breaking easily.

    Food: Food is a LITTLE less common in RP, but there are a few more ways to get it. Zombies can drop it, you can make sandwiches and other food items which restore more, you can actually make mushroom stew, and you can find much more pigs and chickens and whatnot(Although eating that raw will cause you to have 100% chance of food posioning)

    Zombies: Zombies now have a 60% chance of dropping something. Civilian zombies can drop clothing, food scraps, ammo, or maybe just crap you can't use! Also, the undead CANNOT run but do more damage.

    Junk Items: Wanna know where all those guns you can't use in RP went? They turned into crap from the street! Civvie chests now can spawn junk items that you CAN turn into useful stuff! For example, a teddy bear can be found and scrapped into rags.

    Medicine: Medicine is now useful! If you are in the cold or rain and have no clothes on, you can get sick! Hope you have some medicine on you. Bandages now only stop the bleeding, and not heal you. In order to be healed, you must either stop moving and rest, or find some painkillers(potion of healing maybe?). Splints also take time to work, so once you slap it on, you don't get slowness and get injured, but you can't run either. Or you can man up and take some morphine, which also works.

    That is pretty much it! Add suggestions or whatever.
    P.S: Water stays the same.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2016
  2. Arnye

    Arnye Member

    Oct 20, 2016
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    This would take a long time to do, plus current updates are blocking the way.

    However I do like this
  3. TryaxReck

    TryaxReck Member

    Nov 10, 2016
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    Holy crap you actually read the whole thing? Dayum thats some commitment.
  4. Sumatrae

    Sumatrae Supporter

    Oct 20, 2016
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    As Arnye said this would take a long time, plus I'm pretty sure this wouldn't appeal to (most) of the current player base.

    in my opinion this is too much work for little reward, because I can't personally see how this would bring in donations to keep the server up.
  5. OreoNeytirix

    OreoNeytirix Member

    Oct 21, 2016
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    I agree with Suma, Like he said; It's too much work for little reward and i doubt it would receive many donations too.