ye lol
If you find out the cipher, Don't post what it says in the comments. Keep it as a secret, too your self.
C BRJ WEHSPGSU TDT VG RRCA HG RPR JVHY KH PBAVU VNGS RPR JNF. SG OJNFV QT GUS DQBGU If you are smart, You will use what I have said on my...
The Vigenère is Key. The code word is my name.
Congratulations on Moderator Fawnzee ! Hope you enjoy it <3
I would love to see the XM8 on Warzone, like a level 65 gun or something
Fawnzee even stated he doesn't want to have access to it
Yeah, because Teamspeak is only really used by a few and takes a while to get onto, Staffchat can be used to talk to staff at that exact moment in...
I can agree with xlFletcHlx again on this too, I didn't really know about /whois until today's conversation and frankly, Helpers shouldn't have...
I agree with xlFletcHlx , Staff chat used to be accessible to Helpers and was actually very helpful to use as I didn't know how to act on some...
U missed the living food man ; - ; You also missed OneAce aswell
Yeah the Magnum is on Warzone but i would like to see it on DayZ