Welcome, New Fighters of The Yom Apocalypse! (Part 2)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SuspressedRifle, Mar 4, 2020.

  1. SuspressedRifle

    SuspressedRifle Member

    Jan 6, 2019
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    (Mob Types) - *Reserved* = Spawns only in certain areas

    1. (Zombie)
    -> A friendly(?), easy, underrated, weak creature that can be beaten up by fist
    -> <Danger Level> = 1/10
    -> <Description> - Slow moving, Weak health, No special protections against damage, Very Common
    2. (Infestor)
    -> A not so friendly, less underrated, weak-ish creature that is harder to be killed through melee
    -> <Danger Level> = 2.5/10
    -> <Description> - Very fast moving, Very weak health, No special protections against damage,
    3. (Brute)
    -> Grumpy, annoying, highly buffy entity that requires a big quantity of damage to neutralize
    -> <Danger Level> = 1.5/10
    -> <Description> - Very slow moving, High health, Protection against melee attacks, Reserved
    4. (Bandits)
    -> Hostile, slightly trained/accurate, Fatal to players with low protection. Armed with firearms/melee
    -> <Danger Level> = 3/10 (Armored) 6/10 (Non-Armored)
    -> <Description> - Medium speed, 50 HP, No special protections against damage, Uncommon
    5. (Survivors)
    -> Neutral, somewhat trained/accurate (They shoot players by accident), Armed with firearms/melee
    -> <Danger Level> = 1/10 (Peaceful, but they shoot you by accident sometimes) 4~5/10 (Hostile)
    -> <Description> - Slow speed, Medium health, Only ghillie suit survivor resists a bit towards melee,
    6. (Merceneries)
    -> Very Hostile, Well trained/accurate, Entirely armed with high-tier firearms
    -> <Danger Level> = 8/10 (Non-Armored) 5~6/10 (Armored)
    -> <Description> - Medium~Fast speed, 100 HP, No special protections against damage, Reserved
    7. (Elite Merceneries)
    -> Entirely Hostile, Trained with excellency, Deadly accurate, Entirely armed with heavy coat and firearm
    -> <Danger Level> = 10/10 (Non-Armored) 7~8,5/10 (Armored)
    -> <Description> - Medium speed, Significantly high HP, Great protection against melee, firearms and
    flame, Reserved (Icarus Station ONLY)
    8. (Reaver)
    -> Hostile, annoying, poisons + blinds people nearby
    -> <Danger Level> = 3/10 (Armored + Gas Mask) 5/10 (Non-Armored + Gas Mask) 7/10 (Nothing)
    -> <Description> - Very fast speed, Very low HP, No special protections against damage, poisons
    and blinds players, as well as giving hunger to nearby player without a gas mask,
    Reserved (Dungeons only)
    9. (Exo-Suit Zombie)
    -> Hostile, Boost jumps with exo-suit to approach/launch attack at players, Solo Spawn
    -> <Danger Level> = 4~5/10 (Non-Armored) 3/10 (Armored)
    -> <Description> - Medium speed, Fast when boost jumped, Medium HP, Little resistance against
    melee and firearms, Reserved (Launch Site, Carcazo Airstrip, etc)
    10. (Animals)
    -> Neutral/Hostile, Spawns globally around the map
    -> <Danger Level> = 2~4/10 (General) 4/10 (Snake)
    -> <Description> - Medium~Fast speed, Low~Medium HP, No special protections against damage,
    Extremely Common (Global spawn)
    11. (Bosses)
    -> Definitely not nice, Bullies, Don't try this at home kids, Gear mandatory
    -> <Danger Level> - 5~10 (Secret, figure them out yourself :p)
    -> <Description> Medium ~ Fast speed, High~Very High HP, Mostly resistant against melee, firearms,
    incendiary, explosions, Reserved (Certain dungeons only)


    - This server is an Apocalyptic themed server, where probably millions of the undeads roam across the
    abandoned cities and the streets. However, even through such harsh situations and circumstances,
    the living survivors tend to fight each other to death for their resources. Where fight is constant, the
    peace is no longer the dominator... the fresh survivors die innocently at the hands of the greed and
    cruelty and they must now know more of where to avoid in order to increase their chances of survival.

    1. (CDC)
    - Very famous/well-known location for a PvP. It is very important to stay away if death is not wanted,
    since the PvP remains contant and the fighters will show no mercy at anyone.

    2. (Drydale)
    - An ancient area for warfare. Constant PvP in close range isn't preferred anymore; except for long
    range combat. There are often snipers on the top of the buildings, stalling in their positions for a
    long period waiting for victims to show up. New survivors are often sniped for no reason and are
    confused. Sometimes, they click the 'Quit server' button.

    3. (Newhaven)
    - A newly added warzone-ish location. There are snipers very frequently on the tallest tower of New-
    haven and there are often mid-range PvPs on the ground floor. The intensity of PvP is lower than
    CDC, however, it is not recommended to stay there for a long time if any gunfires are heard.


    (Accessible by everyone) - <Survivor ~ Saviour>
    - To spawn in the wilderness -> /play or /spawn
    - To teleport back to the Safezone -> /warp sz or /sz
    - Simple list of server rules -> /rules <Number>
    - Private message with someone -> /msg <PlayerName>
    - List of server's custom enchantments -> /enchants
    - Paying money to someone /money send <PlayerName>
    - Voting on our server websites -> /vote
    - Downloading the server resourcepack -> /pack
    - Joining our official server discord channel -> /discord
    - Personal kits based on ranks -> /kit <RankName>
    - Daily kit (24h) -> /kit reward1
    - A gui of instructions for help -> /help
    - Contacting an available staff in case /msg on staff is not available -> /helpop
    - List of item descriptions -> /items
    - List of the server's custom crafting recipe -> /crafting
    - Leaving a Battle Royale event -> /leave
    - To teleport to another player -> /tpa <PlayerName> (Elder+)
    - To teleport someone to the current location -> /tpahere <PlayerName> (Elder+)
    - To access Bank storage without going to it -> /bank (Immortal+)
    - To heal and replenish the player's health and hunger instantly -> /heal (Lord+)
    - To sethome without using a sleeping bag -> /sethome <CustomName> (Overlord+)

    (Exclusive access/Perked players) - <Donors, Destiny Crates>
    - To replenish thirst immediately -> /quinch
    - To see who is near the area -> /near
    - To see someone's inventory -> /invsee
    - To equip something on head as a hat -> /hat
    - To replenish hunger immediately -> /feed
    - Daily kit (2,3,4,5) -> /kit reward2,3,4,5
    - etc (This is supposed to be a start-off tip for new players, so you won't need much of this here)

    - It is certain that there could be few errors inside this text, since I haven't visited everywhere and I
    am not certainly sure of some places that are well hidden from the world, however, this was just little
    bit of tips for helping out new players to start off better, so I hope that it helps them at least a little.
    Sometimes, when you see (?), it means that I am not fully clear if my statement is true. (Sorry lol).
    I haven't added everything, since I wanted you guys, the new players, to be able to figure more out
    by yourselves after understanding how the game works! I really love seeing the welcome messages
    when the new players join, but it's heartbreaking to see new players quit the server because of lack
    comprehension in the server and because of people that kills them for no apparent reason!!!...
    Anyways, I hope that you have a great time in our server, thank you for reading this xD. Peace~~