
Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by hyunwooklee, Nov 11, 2016.

  1. hyunwooklee

    hyunwooklee Member

    Oct 25, 2016
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    I really think that there should be a way to replenish lost souls, Through money or fossils, but extremely expensive, The reason why i'm suggesting this is because Although you can cover up everything by playing a lot, ranking up. you cannot cover up the souls, And when you lose all of your souls, There's really not much to do about it. If a player loses 3souls in one hour after a reset, that player would instantly go off or just stay afk and do nothing, I feel like this really has to get implemented, not only because players can't play after losing all souls, but because this system really prevents players from getting rewarded for playing a lot.
    This system basicly prevents players from having the most obvious right;
    to play and have fun, I know that this server is a server which gives players unique experience as a completely different gamemode, but honestly being not able to play after losing all souls, it just feels depressing.
    FlatterySuplex likes this.
  2. TryaxReck

    TryaxReck Member

    Nov 10, 2016
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    Personally, I think that the soul system should stay the same, cause if you are reckless enough to constantly run into danger you probably shouldn't keep your gear. Also, I think it would be great if people logged off once they lost all the souls, leaving people the ability to actually access the server (cause its mostly full these days). Maybe it would work, maybe it wouldn't, but I would be opposed to this.