What I Like : New guns, equip times, new gear, gear costs, hitboxes disabled, pvp quality. What should be changed: Nerf NPC's or make less NPC's spawn, I would make god sets a little less OP (lower armor and helmet protection, because people cant glider down so its harder to kill a gset), NPC's shouldnt all sprint to you once you shoot one of them, PLEASE bring back a few old warzone maps (dont need them as a replacement, just in addition with the new maps, which are mostly great), and probably most important of all is that clans need to be brought back, maybe if you donate you can make a clan, or lvl 45+ can make clans. I really like the new update, I just hope that the Yomnetwork staff will take these suggestions into account when thinking about possible changes, as they would make the game more friendly to new players and balance the game a little bit more.