Disabling ARmour penetration abilities, Would create so much more strageties to use against the bosses, through enchanting or simply getting...
Or yom could simply Remove all Armour-penetrating abilities, because there's actually no counter play to it, If yom removes the armour penetrating...
Such as getting enchantments, which would actually help u kill the boss.
Yes of course, that is why there should be more ways to kill it, my main point was to change the arm collision ignore damages because then there...
So as we all know, Bosses such as Narthuulas, Pantheon and Gods, Deal Armour Collision ignoring damages, Which of course, is dealt by a command,So...
I really think that there should be a way to replenish lost souls, Through money or fossils, but extremely expensive, The reason why i'm...
You didnt answer my question lol
At least set up a use for it if it is expensive af
What if u didnt have s shield? you just watch your armour instantly shred into pieces when u die? Then whats the use of expensive ass armours like...
As we all know, Balista and volley can oneshot anyone from far. I think there is a serious problem with these items, because not only they can...
Yes, I am aware of the fact that it might reduce the chance of players donating for ranks, but if yom sets a price which is really high, whereas...
I've seen lot of people who leaves the server when ever they're out of souls, So I think it would be better if you add a item used to consume to...
Or warnings could just be a system where you track how abusive the players were, and determine if the player deserves to apply for staff or not
So I've been thinking about this idea for a while, I think it'd be better if people gets /warning for a certain amount of excessive...
Enderbot lost his trident today because of this.. I really hope yom or mcb is aware of this
I've seen lot of people who accidently drop their precious weapons, like arcane bows.. so I really think making rare+weapons unable to drop is...
It could be a good idea if you give 0.5~1heart per rankup >_> am i rite./.
and one more fact i found about is, its the fact that king's crown provides more protection than a fuking titan set which is worth 8stack golds, I...
Noone can exploit except you and titus.
It doesnt matter. people cant find it out because there are so many types of helms.