[ATTACH] Happy Thanksgiving YomNetwork, remember to give thanks for having the opportunity to be free if you live in America, has a bitch of a...
So yeah...
Hey guys, I've been hiding on the build server building something cool I wish for you all to go and see here. Thanks, be sure to favorite, give...
Dis face, luk at dat [ATTACH]
Hello, I've built my first structure on the YomNetwork build server, if you would like to go and physically go see it. Otherwise here it is...
You people(s) of YomNetwork check these cool builds out at this link. Its cool builds i think everyone will appreciate. Don't forget to Favorite,...
Lizard Empire or louis98765432 is a backstabber, when he couldn't pay his debt for what i built he kick me. Essentially he scammed me.
My employment at Lizard Empire has been terminated due to town owner unable to pay his debt and wrongful accusations.
Hello peoples of "Yomnetwork.ca" im sgtforge2000, you can mostly find me on Infernal Realms doing whatever. I am perhaps the best builder on the...