If you fought Narthoolis, you would know how frustrating the boss is. It shoots annoying Armor-Penetration blasts, lights you on fire for an...
Oh baby, I got some IDEAS for this! Dragons: Can drop Dragon bones, used for making some weapons. Dragon Bow: crafted from (possibly) MAGIC bow or...
So, I've seen yom talk about "serving your god" and I thought, why not make a solid reward system for this? As this idea has flaws, I will say...
It's that time of year, and maybe, some festivities could be added. The Undead Rider: A Halloween boss that can drop some cool new gear, that's...
The Seismic Hammer needs a nerf, it just does too much damage. Here's what you can do to fix it! (I guess.) You can potentially add a...
As I have come to greatly enjoy this game, I have some important things to talk about with it. Here are some of the major problems: *Staffs: Some...
Well whatup my dudes it is I, Slayer. I play Infernal Realms and love it with a passion, and I saw the new website, so I thought "Why not?" I'm...