I literally forgot this thread existed. Some decent stuff. Grandson is fun. I'm gonna rate these on a scale of 1-10 for me personally, because...
Hey, I'm right here.
Use /
We would be on Minecraft 420.69.9 and this would be Infernal 4.0 (yep, that's how long the updating takes, only 4.0).
Yeah, lemme safespot in peace.
Multi-use currently would be to OP. If they maybe reworked the ability to gain said item, sure. I don't know.
Legit photos.
I am hungry.
Greeting, I am unsure whether I know you.
I'm late, but hi.
Anyone still alive that was/is interested or pledged to join the clan?
Perfect candidate! ACCEPTED.
You still with me?
So, top 10 favorite bands/artists, guys?
Welcome to Trash Talk. A random shit posting off topic thread about whatever the hell you want.
Well, then.
I still have yet to to decide. It’s been so long I forgot about most of the information about the classes.
Beta is finally out. Woo hoo.
Good for you.