Sorry, I already have a bff, but next time I see you lmao I'll invite you. THAT'S A SUN PRAISE IT \[T]/
Personally, I think a different kind of warn system should be implemented. It's not needed at all and no riots would be started if this idea was... (Custom Enchantments - All Enchantments -...
Recruiting members! There is a $200 daily plot tax, pay that shit or you'll be auto-kicked. Build your own houses, make it look dank af. NOTE:...
My love for Madd cannot be contained!
I was comparing this idea to the ice staff in infernal.
This happens a lot lmao.
The blade of enerntity is soul bound and you don't lose it when you die. Even if you have 0 souls.
Thanks lmao. My favorite on the list (besides myself) would be Arnye. I hardly see/play with other staff on the list D:
this "ice staff" weapon would be extremely OP on infected as it would 100% mean death to whoever was shot.
I have crippling depression.
The staff list idea is nice but I'm not so sure about the RP server.
I like both ideas lmao
Bumping the post to the top of the news feed.
What did MCB say about your posts and the use of an edit button fam?
Infernal Realms was delayed for over 10 weeks I believe, because yom was having these crazy cool ideas and was improving the server. It's...
"The Pickled, in cinemas soon"
Imo, helpers in training is a bad idea as it means higher staff members would have to watch over these trial helpers, and these higher staff...