Kk just checking xD
Suma you OK or just randomly went all deep on us?
So relatable!
Agreeing with warx with this..
Fawnzee and benny I'm sad to see you go... youve been someone great to be with whilst you were here. Is this really farewell? Also his was added...
Yeah I'm trying to do a little bit of all the servers
Isn't it on warzone?
I mean it would be good but probably not added for a while maybe in the next update or something as war zone really had its update recently
All 3
Yeahe and you need to publish multiple times so we know of your reliability to support the server through advertising through videos. One you...
You had to rain on his parade..
Then why xD
Up 2 the film
Thank the people who hate you xD
CDC is going to be busy with people
War is that why you have 247 xD
Oreo uhm is it too late now to say sorry?
Yeah extinction was around 100 years later after infected so the world would decay fall apart..