Only 1 post is needed about the "helper in training" idea. But if you want to try out for helper...
With the Dayz update coming up next I just wanted to dump a large number of screenshots that I've taken while on InfectedRPG! Let's also play a...
I like this idea xD I've seen a number of people accidently drop weapons when they press Q, expecting it to reload (As it's Q to reload in...
Town outposts would be a cool addition to the server. I don't really see why they were disabled in the first place as all town tax and costs still...
I just have a thing for awesome builds, who can blame me?
Yeah, this build is absolutely amazing. I creamed myself when I saw it.
Great guide, thanks for making it. VIP comes with 2 stacks of stonebricks. Champion armour enchants are Protection 2, Projectile Protection 1...
Holy shit lmao, I'm 16 and 5'9 (176 cm, because metric is better).
You start off with 3 souls and you lose one every time you die. Souls automatically reset every 12 hours (when the server restarts). /souls to...
I asked you to stop as it was causing mass confusion with the newer players.
I was going with him being the Avatar but sure, that'll work.
He was trapped, frozen in an ice berg.
People who previously donated for crates would get those crates back (It's what happened on Infernal Realms so I can only assume it would happen...
Fraps is free, easy to use and has no watermark.
It would be cool to maybe have the option to buy tp scrolls to warp pvp to skip waiting 5 minutes.
No confirmed reset, we're just hoping there will be one (me at least).
TBH I would look forward to a reset, as that could mean dayz is upgraded to 1.9/1.10. You could have tons of different kinds of guns using the...
So, a Gauss Rifle? The longer you hold down the trigger the more damage it does when you release it.
It was pretty fun.