You forgot me xlFletcHlx
thanks Fawnzee Warx247 ! :D
No i believe it should be for warzone as its a lot harder to get knives and tokens there and it will encourage people to buy it on the store
Here is my suggestion, we make a whole new update purely on this subject and it is a new crate called the exotic crate. Similar to the legendary...
Hello Yom players! Let me introduce myself! I am xlFletcHlx, I play mostly warzone on YomNetwork, I have general rank on that server and have...
Great! last suggestion. as private rank gets both Nick and colours to nick. (i dont think that it is intended as on captain it says access to...
what about archer kit? Arnye or was that intended :D ?
New suggestion, maybe we can implement more blocks? Also could you please fix the archer kit? it doesnt make sense that you get it at level one...
Arnye Great! looking forward to seeing you there! Fawnzee Cool man i appreciate you coming online to give the server a hand as often is better...
Hello! me and Yom discussed a few of these but i want to get your own personal opinion! 1: Adding a few new guns and knives. i.e. Scuba Camo 2:...
Hello thanks for opening my thread, i am in a supprisingly good mood and just want to praise how cool it is! Please consider playing it as the...
Thanks Benny nice to know my In game name is xlFletcHlx and I see it on infected but not so sure about warzone. the message you get saying if you...
does it take a certain amount of time to load?
I just Bought a rank upgrade to General and it still says private yet i have ./near and /spectate please help! Yom MinecraftB0ss Fawnzee
Yom ?
Hey i recently upgraded from private to Commander and it still says private as my rank but i hav all the commands a commander would have>? please...