I mean that one of the pictures is from Madagascar
I banned him
That's Madagascar
lord_belak. can you do something, he has already been warned twice on the forums. [img]
Ryan how old are you?
Im fawnzo
How is it being a helper
It was a joke...
Careful, ill expose youse
the big gay for mega ?
No, its just You comment "good" on someone's final goodbye. Had a go at me before on forums. Made an application for staff which was purposely...
I dont like your attitude towards this community please improve it.
Sorry to see you go but im glad you enjoyed your time here
They think they did nothing wrong
I warned them...? What did you want me to do? Ban them?
Warx247 yup yup forgot to give you credit for my picture
Food FOR ducks
We can see you on the forums still even with that hidden mode ya know