Grenade nuke. shoots grenades as sharpenal over a 30 chunk radius dealing 100 dmg per explosion.
Holy shit.
Infernal warzone would be cool.
There can only be on dank meme to rule them all.... What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I...
Looks amazing.
I have to say this alot in Overwatch.
I like dropping nukes.
In Skyrim saving the people from Auldiun
When I play video game doubt my mental sanity and choice of music. Le favorite music choices for MMO feels: Elder Scrolls Intro Themes 3-5 Glorius...
You should have put 666,666. Why can't I be the Illuminati and light infernal up as the god of light using fire?
You avtive hai boom and self destruct
New Month: Potato overthrows Yom as network owner and brings peace and prosperity.
1v1 me Mercy melee only.
You need to learn to give kids Mann Co. Crate Keys and Overwatch Legendaries.
Oh sheit bro.
Lez jus sey Oh boi P-0 ez ded
Tfw you get Play as Ana
Show me your main.