Infernal realms really need more staff.. I see so much bullying on the server for no good reasons! It pisses me off and makes me feel sad for...
1. Crates 2. Animals & food Idea 1. Crates Don't you guys just hate it when you log in and you get info that you just got legendary crate...
I have to say that it's very annoying when some of your town members steal from you, even when you were like 99% sure that you can trust them....
Haha Warx xD !
Thanks Benny :) !
I'm not gonna judge anyone based on what I hear from others.
And me!
Yep. Dr3k.
I just found srsly the best building on infernal realms! Gg whoever owns ShadowTower !! Heres some pictures of it! Good work ! [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Thanks dude!
Thank you Arnye! :) And I totally will! Not only like this ofc by making some guide, I always try to help people also online and ofc outside of...
Hello there ^-^ ! <3
Thank you Yom :) ! Yeah I like to help people even tho I'm not staff haha ( o well applied while ago tbh haha) thats what I am always.. Lol, one...
Also money pay works ^ & yeah forgot to add that claim plot costs, ty! lol
1. it aint ready 2. shhs.. still, this aint ready 3. dont judge me cuz of my grammar, rip. English isnt my real language anyways.. 4. Ty for...
And yes I agree that I have no life since I'm writing a huge guide here :'D + Psst.. This is messy looking ik!
Fast command to get alot of info/links etc.? † /? or /help Souls? What are they and how I get more? † The server uses souls. You have 3 souls....
Since I keep seeing people asking a lot of questions on Infernal Realms, I taught to make a guide based on the questions that are mostly asked....
^ That also!