When you insult someone with skill in order to make yourself look good. Remember when you got destroyed and you got so mad? Lmao it’s so funny...
You never had parents, you were just a mistake made in a top secret centipede experiment. Stop joking about shit you never had and will never get...
When you joke about someone but you know deep inside it applies to yourself.
I suggest going back to second grade since you don't know how decimals work. Then again its obvious for a mentally retarded child like you to mess...
I believe this confirms that you are just really sensitive and that you can't learn to accept your differences.
You can afford boots? Oh wait, you stole them because you are too poor to buy your own.
Bruh your mom is a fucking work why do you even try to act like a big guy hoping to get attention?
But you WERE 2 year olds, idk why thats so hard for you to remember.
Wow that irl pic of you is so bad. Really, you need some mega plastic surgery.
You cant even do better with your bald ass forehead.
Learn to type a hashtag correctly you fucking spastic autist.
stop commenting on old posts. Nobody thinks you are cool you slutbag.
Aww, how cute. The tard needs backup because he can’t accept the truth.
Tf are you on? Do you grow cancer out of your brain to smoke it or something?
Keep not accepting that you are different from everyone else in the world. You are the most cancerous person I’ve ever seen in my entire life.
Keep crying little girl, because it’s reality that you can’t accept.
Did you get in a fucking car accident? Wtf makes you think I’m trying to be funny? I’m telling the truth, then again you are autistic.
Fuck off? Lmao is that all you got little miss Down syndrome?
Stop acting like you are important. Everyone knows that you only care for attention. So how about you leave and have it stay that way. You would...