Just looking for attention.
Oh my fucking god nobody can handle the truth on this forums. First inferno (and a ton of others) with his autism. Now lord bleak with my skill....
Edgy and cool? I’m only telling the truth, but you can’t handle the truth because you are mentally fucked in the head.
Ofc you would support because you don’t want to admit you are just another fucking spit roaming the streets.
I have never seen a more autistic pile of insults in my fucking life LMFAO. It’s common sense that you are just slandering me for like the...
“Like you” omg how many insults are you going to steal from me anyway? Admit it, you can’t fight for yourself.
Are you fucking stupid? Well that question is obviously a big fat yes. https://yomnetwork.ca/threads/victory-at-last.1021/ (Victory at last.)
Because it’s funny watching autistic sea cucumber lookin ass bitches like you have temper tantrums. What’s also funny is that you think you are...
“That’s just fucking begging you fucking twat.” Look who didn’t pass 1st grade English. Typical for a autistic child like you.
You think you are normal? OMFG IM DYING... so funny. You aren’t even close to that.
I’m not going to entertain that off topic message. I’m assuming it’s off topic since either it is the worst roast I’ve ever seen, or it’s your...
I guess everyone here just wants to slander the truth teller. What’s also hilarious is that you can’t make your own “roasts” either without using...
That was a roast? Sorry I couldn’t tell because of how cancerous it was, just like you and your shitty ass family.
See? The entire forums can’t accept that they are in the “special ed” category. You guys are the biggest discrace to the universe and you show it...
Ah, preachers of peace... who try so hard for redemption but it’s just from another annoyance in the world begging for attention. Too bad you...
No, I mean pathetic as the slander attempts. How fucking dumb are you anyway? I can’t believe I have to make that clear, then again I’m talking to...
Nice slander attempt, however it was just as pathetic as all the other ones.
Look at my message you quoted.
Google insults LOL. Get your own insults and stop getting help from shitty websites.
I don’t have to deny that. It’s common sense it’s false. All you do is attempt to “roast” people because you think you are a mature big boy. I...