War you dummy, He said Dart gun not Ice Staff XDDD
Sadly i think this could be a bit too Over powered with the effects, Also there would need to be 2 new textures for the dart gun including a model...
kk XD thanks
Yeah forgot to add that too lol
In-game ranks survivor (0 Tokens) Starter Rank Access to /spawn kits Explorer (100 Tokens) Unlocks /kit Explorer - 1 Remington700, 1 Medicine,...
If this isn't good enough... TOUGH!- I suck at thinking so i also suck at making posts like this.
Welp! I guess i should introduce myself in full, because my last post wasn't good enough - . - This time i will actually use format for this lol....
lol don't argue over me XDD
Benny! :D
Hello! My name is OreoNeytirix! I am currently 16 years old and i am technically a miniature Helper! I try to answer all questions asked in chat...
Loving the new website layout!