You can transfer your funds from Paysafe to your paypal account. Then you can donate using Paypal from the funds you had on your paysafe card.
We will most likely introduce disabled guns for both DayZ and WarZone spawn lobbies.
You would be surprised. Many players on the Infernal 1 server may switch to server 2 right at the start so they can be the strongest people in...
We are very busy with the dayz update and other updates and a second infernal server is not really needed at the moment. I hate splitting up...
Yes after the update we are adding 4 new tiers of building blocks which are progressively harder to break. So yea there will be some crazy bases....
If youre talking about the Sports Car you can find 2 in the map. One at the Kingswood estate and one at Oceansview town.
I believe it would be more effective to have the server map change every day or so. Adding another server simply splits the playerbase and warzone...
We wont add scope to Lee, but I have added Smoke Grenades already to the update :) They are really effective for blocking line-of-sight for...
I agree that Extinction DayZ had a DOPE map. IMO better than current dayz map, reminded me alot of The Last of Us world. All the overgrowth and...
I never liked the idea of outposts on infernal. Makes it too ez to get around the map quickly. It also offers options to rlly piss off other...
Alot of what you guys are suggesting is all coming in the dayz update. Alot of balancing while keeping the core of the fun still intact. I agree...
This bug is being fixed soon!
Im Yom.
Its an odd bug, hard to find a permanent fix. Thanks for staying patient guys!
You put this is DayZ suggestions however this is a WarZone suggestion, please keep them in their appropriate area to avoid confusion.
Yea me and MCB thought it would be a cool addition to the server some time in the future. The basic premise for the game would be..... Its set 50...
We increased the cost of Seismic hammers so that was our fix for it. The problem with changing attributes to the weapon itself is that it breaks...
We get it lol.... Its not so much we dont like/want to do it its more that we dont see much of a point. The tp cooldown is 5 mins and most people...
Very cool! Well done! (This is what we look for in potential staff members! Nice work)
If we readd PeaceKeepers it will not be in this gamemode. Most likely for our Zombie Apocalypse Themes Prison server we have planned for the...