Yeah that one
At least he doesn't reply to his own forum post alt....
So like are you supposed to come off hella metal and edgy or something, or is being an absolute ass about everything how you go about your day?...
So like was this supposed to be a big realization or something.... I mean anyone can divide token amount purchased by total amount received...
Okay Phant
Hello there
Wait you play now lmao
Hey I haven't been able to get on since work has been hectic and college is gay, what's going on, who's owning pvp, is it still a general 30-50ish...
Wait a minute, if you don't play then why did you say
Snd is basically CSGO you uncultured swine
Oh hey look Phant thought about it too. Like 2 years ago lmao
Remember when souls were rare and had actual value
I was thinking more of a different lobby, there are set kits that are balanced, when people vote it's not only for map but what gamemode per map,...
I'd rather have a second one for custom gamemodes or like events on just the regular server, like a capture the flag, tdm, snd, ffa that sort of thing
Actually not gonna lie, a lot of cringy responses here
Woh henlo there people
Okay my dude