Depends on if Hawk will actually play or not.
What classes people will be choosing in the new Infernal Realms V.3.
Mage is fucking broken tho. WAAAAY too OP
There are a lot of raiding weapons that aren't class specific. Kinda pointless to go raider. Maybe ill change later theough my playthrough. I can...
What classes are you guys thinking of going? Personally, I'm going with archer, just interested to see what everyone else is into.
Even if you wanted to come back, and even if you were falsely banned (which you weren't) It is physically impossible to buy unbans now. So once...
Not that I personally know of, but then again, i rarely get on except to play IR alpha so......
A majority of the biased staff have been taken care of bucko boi. I.g: Henry, Hydregion, etc...
Damn, didn't think you would leave like this, I know we didn't have the best of relations, but all the same, c ya.
See ya buddy
Hi a am banned, I'm dad.
Whatever you purchase now you will KEEP. After the sale it will be taken off the store, unavailable to be bought ever again, but you will still...
Its super easy to find out if they're using a VM too. so they got nothing on me there.
They can look through versions, logs, your trash, trace-back files, etc. There's so much more they can do. If you really think you can hide it so...
Your homework files?
Idk what screenshares you've been in buddy, but in my experience, with an experienced screensharer it helps. That's my strat ;)
o-o one fucking screenshot doesn't prove anything. Ghost clients and toggle exist kiddo. The only way to 100% prove someone doesn't hack is to...
o-o Maybe you could've just. you know. asked them to fucking screenshare you. So much of this garbage drama can be fixed with a little logic. If...