I wonder if dardedar07 is dressing up as a transformer (inside joke)
so first it was Sumatrae but I lost my email to that account and forgot password. Then when I got another account I made the name SumatraeV2. I've...
detailed to say the least xD
as Warx said, the lack of staff will be fixed when there is the staff update, but I do 100% agree with you, warzone is very under managed.
pm me :P
fair enough are there people annoying you in unitedvalyria?
you used to be a command to buy helifuel and it was spamable, so yes I think this should be added again. however I disagree with the idea of...
yeah Yom would never release a server if it wasn't refined to the high standard of the network.
I loved the east side, because it was where me and Titus mostly played on and where we learned to play. I would love for it to be readded
cucumber is grimmm
firstly I suggest that if there's anyone that pisses you off you should /ignore them. secondly there will be lots more staff members on infernal...
too late, it is one already
I have come so close to doing this with my thunder trident too many times to count, so yeah I agree with this
my cover has been blown!
warzone was the last server (other than infernal) to get an update and it already has more guns than infected so there probably won't be a warzone...
I can't argue with that xD
I changed my IGN to Suma27 because why not xP (don't judge)
some people like boys. some people like girls. some people like both. Warx isn't like them, he likes buildings.