I think skybases will be bigger than existing places like CDC or Atlas Peak
hahaha number 4 is so accurate xD
I like this idea a lot
someone that is still active in yunkar could claim your plot and give your items back.
yeah, lots of people asked what stuff was in infernal kits so I made a guide for that
there is general info in the ranks on the server, however churchie has gone into much more detail
the old /warn system worked quite well for old t-mods so I agree with this idea.
it did mean extinction (pretty sure at least)
do it, server 1 mostly has more players
iconic ^
no one can move and towns aren't working. RIP until Yom/mcb find out
if benny was a bit more active it would be him, but my vote has to go to mcb due to the number of glitches I tell him and the fact that he fixes...
"Triggered Section"*
He has been sending everyone my nudes :( Get him banned please
you should make a different thread for that idea
omg yes same