*insert idubbz 'I'm gay' meme here*
Nah MegaDoge is the real ship
it's an infected giveaway not infernal xD
as far as I know the only requirement is that you have to be 13 years of age or above. of course if you're a higher rank and have more experience...
I don't really need to stuff but why not? Suma27
love how I got entered in without asking xD
just randomly went deep xD
don't leave bby <3
the only thing it can't fix is a broken heart...
yeah as Arnye said, new tiered blocks are being added in the dayz update so I guess there is an option that these could be implemented, however...
ooooh friends! *thumbs up*
4 years plus for me. #veteran
here is my opinion on each of these: 1. New guns and gear likely won't be added soon because warzone was updated most recently (other than...
old, but gold
I agree tbh, I think anyone who thinks people shouldn't be allowed to say this are a bit *triggered* of course there are always exceptions but...
I can understand that people could get offended if people told other people to kill themselves, but like kms is just a regular term that people...
Alxton? NewTubeGaming? Tyrell's? who xD