Oh shit you got me big guy, what am i gonna do with my self now, exposed by a 14 year old pro minecraft player :(
Hahaha did I hit a soft spot Darragh? How do I even pronounce that
The 14 year old irish kid whose full name im not gonna mention here who drinks beers behind his parents back and act tough on minecraft forums, gz...
I couldn’t care less what some fucking 14 year old trash kids on a Minecraft server think about me, i don’t even play this trash.
Honestly I don't really give a fuck lmao
Hello! I’ve decided to clarify things since the forums apparently has been reset. I have been playing on Yomnetwork for a few years by now. I...
When did you come back? ¯\_( ͠° ͟ʖ °͠ )_/¯