I doubt this is the most efficient way to spread the word. Barely anyone uses forums nowadays the the ones who do are probably already in a clan.
ikr, should've instantly went to Admin Imo
Woah, people are going on the forums again!
GG on mod
Man, I really need to update this...but to what...
I think EULA already shot down ideas 2 and 3...
Happy New Years
If there is only 1 player in your town, then that’s why. To increase the amount of plots your town can have, you need to invite more players.
I did this all on phone right before class...
Warrior: Blades Barbarian: Martial Pikeman: Spears Archer: Range Mage: Magic Heritic: Dark Faith Raider: Raiding Noble: Leadership Worker: Labour...
Mage. Also, I thought you wanted to be raider
We all are
Damn, ya beat me to it
I mean, you can click on your icon and do “Contact Details” option to toggle the e-mail messages on and off if you wanted to.
I'm kinda nervous though .-. What if I screw up?
Woah, I am moderator now...I guess that means high expectations from me now .-.