MyLittleUnicorn is an amazing person. Pls don't sue me
I dun get it
Being gay is not OK. it's amazing.
This is extremely detailed, you can see he spent hours on this.
This isn't infinite warfare buddy.
Well in my bank I have over 64.
You get the white death in legendary that's all I know
Heya ^_^
Mkay... meet at sz 7:10 GMT
I learnt that you lack proper grammar.
I would like to see a scoped Lee Enfield added because we all know the Enfield Is sexy and it would be amazing with a scope. Or perhaps a smoke...
Wait, you want to die?
Can I still eat my Soul AK12?
Thank you Yom <3
Follow me bby
Aren't we all?! It's super sexy, psst... Like you...
Hey there Oreo, you sexy thing!
Hey there! I'm TrainGoesBoom or as some know me as Mr. Asinine I am a player on DayZ 1 and Infernal realms! Any questions? I'm happy to answer them!
I do have to agree there Mega you make a fair point!