So I think it would be kind of cool if there would be keys to obtain to enter certain dungeons and not ranks so on the mech "dungeon" you cant go...
So im looking for a mod that lets zombies walk like normal players because they look so ugly when theyh ave their hands up and stuff soo is there...
I wan't to apply for builder so where can I do it?
So I found a good ghast skin on novaskin and maybe you could add a new ghast mob that spawns on tartarus the ghast looks like a infestor so it...
nobody plays infernal
Its not that hard to just tell the game in what area there needs to be investors and in what not you already did it and you dont have to code to...
Yes I know but you gotta admit that this server grew because of dayz and players are on it because of dayz the last big update I can remember was...
and the bow needs to do more damage cuz i love tlou and they use the bows a lot there and the crossbow does a lot of damage so why not make the...
1. You need to release 2.0 2. Carl grimes/rick grimes/judith grimes hat needs to be in 2.0 3. A new Map would be awsome and would give all the...