Nobody likes you, like literally nobody. Those who you are criticizing do at least have a modicum of respect, you don't.
Fission mailed bruv
What? What sense did that make?
What is a tard guard?
Why does every thread of IWulf turn into people roasting each other? :Thonk:
And this was a meme
Cake was telling me Cake SALT LEVELS TO 100000000000000000000000
fix your signature faggot
Ey Wolfie GIve me Soul MSR?
What? When did this happen? I mean you seemed fine when I was chatting you up in DayZ VC. What happened when I logged lmfao?
Press F to pay Respects F
I know
A class 1A dick
Sheesh this much shit talk, please go on this is highly entertaining
HeavyReaper102 seems he squandered our 2nd chance.... But what can I expect, it was IWulf after all, the dude with no morals Also roast me...
That's on my profile post, and I did report you to Fawnzee, and still seems you are here.