Wait a minute..........................
I think that the reason he was concieved was because of a mistake, his dad molested him and beat him because who wouldn't want to, so he pours his...
Told you
Good luck for incoming toxicity by Scyteee, Ryanmoneyman :)
SHut the fuck up you hysterical autistic down syndrome waste of humanity, fucking commit xm8 to forehead noob, your life is a fucking dumpster fire.
Ok sir, Imma need you to download a file called WannaCry.exe
Were you made for fun or were you a mistake?Im leaning towards the latter
You forgot the decimal idiot
You're so ugly I mistook your face for a pile of shit
He's ryanmoneyman what the shit did you expect? Decency? Stop thinking you're class, the shit beneath my boots has more class than you, so stop...
#No u
You know it was amusing to a point and now it's just grown old, a new gag for your toxic roasts that are comically unfunny. Cheese show this boi a...
Feelings mutual.
Who are you not toxic to? I mean you're toxic to Scytee, Cheese, Sarcasm, Me, IWulf, Rev, Ryan, New Guy who is left now that posts regularly? Even...
*Sigh* This isn't even funny any more, when will you realize that? It's just irritating
How about..................................No fuck off?
Hi im your pet wraith