It was fun to play with you(and to see you insult me for scamming ToxicPande and I still remember the thread you made about me to warn people that...
Ah yes Excalibur Thats what the defualt thing is called, never liked his design smh
YOU dont even compare to THAT GUY. Ryan is literally THAT GUY
So what you're saying is that you're right and we're all wrong? The entire forums is wrong and you are right?
Lol show imgur pics of convo?
Are you honestly for real?
About as long as Ryanmoneyman takes to log on
Your mum
Isnt that what he default frame is called?
Nice warframe poster, is that Templar?
When ryanmoneyman tries to be edgy and cool, you just switch off and put on a DMC 4 boss rush [MEDIA]
Lol first logical thing you said
Fawnzee, you wanna do anything about this toxic boi?
I could tell you my English marks, but no point telling a faggot like you
If you're a normie, why are you on this forum? It's not for normal people, only insane ones. So yea, fuck off normie fag
No sir, it's an overclock software that boosts your pc by 20 Hz
Normal like me? That's just fucking begging you fucking twat, you think you're class but all you do is spread toxicity like a little fucking...
You mean as pathetic as your dick size? Press F to pay respects. F