IWulf, Out.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by IWulf, Feb 26, 2020.

  1. IWulf

    IWulf Supporter

    Aug 14, 2018
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    Retop / Xinton / IWulf / WolfWarrior563

    4 Years.

    4 Years of my live I've spent fucking around on this wonderful server, and it's been what I can only describe as "Okay" with lots of ups and downs, lots of memories being made and lots of people i've somehow managed to piss off. I spent 6 months as a Staff Member, 2 Years as a Youtuber, and a few years as a normal player. Before I say my final goodbyes, i'd honestly like to thank Yom for all the time and effort you've put into the server. I've enjoyed every second of it, and honestly i'm extremely grateful for all of the support and hard times with Youtube you've helped me through.

    No, this is not permanent, but yes, it will be quite a long time i'll be gone. I can't log in game anymore without users harassing me, or me losing me temper and giving into their bullshit. I understand a lot of users are simply making jokes to be funny, but as i've tried stating in the past I don't find those kind of jokes funny. I especially don't enjoy it when users bring up my past. As many of you know. I've Blackmailed Staff Members, I've scammed, and I was generally a horrible person in 2017. I've tried my best to move on from those times (I was like 12 come on) and yet users still think it's hilarious to bring it up. I'm aware no one cares about the Youtube Title, but contrary to popular believe, the shit most people say online can effect others occasionally. Yes, i'm a pussy, and other users easily get to my feelings which i've never really understood, but it's getting to the point where i'm just trying to play the game and people wont leave me alone.

    I know what you may be thinking. "Oh Retop just /ignore them!" but every step I take it's a new person! Sometime even staff members are neglecting to see my point of view on certain opinions and such. I'm natrually a toxic person when in a toxic environment, and as Comet004 stated I've done and said some fucked up shit, yet any attempt to apologize simply gets ignored, which diffidently upsets me, but there's not much I can do, so oh well.

    During my time here on YomNetwork i've not only had to get my Phone Number changed 3 times (No clue how you guys find this shit) but i've been told to kill myself pretty much daily by numerous people, and I get that it does not excuse my actions, so i'd like to take this time to just apologize to some people.

    Comet004 - I Understand some things i've said to you have been WAY out of line, and i'm definently sorry for that. I know you may never accept this apology, and I don't expect you too, but at one point in my time here you were a great friend, and it was a pleasure recording with you.

    Cursed - I'm Assuming this is CursedSKG, I'm sorry for being a pretty toxic person, and ruining our relationship back in 2018, like Comet, I don't expect you to accept this apology, but it makes me feel better putting this out there.

    hexnight97 - I'm truly sorry for ignoring you, and removing you on all social media. I was told some incorrect info, and regret my decision.

    HydraHYD - I was pretty mean for no reason, so i'm really sorry about that..

    And Honestly just an apology to YomNetwork as a whole, as i've acted out of place in chat far to many times, and i'm assuming my actions have made other users feel uncomfortable.

    Now for some good things:

    Fawnzee - I Love you <3

    Warx247 - Thanks for like not demoting me 7 different times

    tad550 - You're pretty hot, thanks for the good times <3

    OneMoreRun - You were probably my first ever friend on this server, so thanks for being a pretty nice person <3

    SYBG - At one point, i'd like to believe we were pretty chill, so thanks for all ways looking to see my Point of View before punishing me, it means a lot.

    Comet004 - During the times I was with Manta and recording with you was probably the highlight of my time here on the server. My channel and love for creating videos came from this server, and you were there from the very beginning.

    @koko - I stole your deags im sorry

    Phantis - Honestly best staff member ever

    Sar We had some good times, thanks for being there for me when we were friends (Whenever that even was)

    Mega - Yea you get nothing

    Ayrtonbeauy - I love you <3

    Squishy - You were always pretty fun to talk to, so thanks for being a great mod <3

    Anyways, thats about it.. Not hopping on the server for quite a long time, some of you know i'm in band, which is cool I guess, trying to focus more on pursuing that, with college auditions and such coming up. My RetopMc channel will be up for a bit, but i'm not sure how long i'll be keeping my videos up. All 277 of my YomNetwork videos are saved to my harddrive, and will be loved memories of the good times I had on this server.

    Some people like StevenMathews and Blake have kinda been around since I joined, but pretty sure ya'll hate me now anyways so oh well lmao.

    I love you all, and of course i'll come back some day, just really not sure when. I've given away all my stuff, and plan on deleting the server and resource packs from my computer for the time being.

    Ya'll can contact me on my discord if you'd like, if i've ever done you wrong please just let me know, and i'd be happy to appologize. If you have any fun and or nice memories we may have shared, drop them down below, i'd love to refresh myself as to why i've stayed here so long.

    As for the $500 something i've spent in donations, no yom, you can keep it, even though I never got my super supporter rank :mad:

    Cya bois,
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2020
    Phantis likes this.
  2. Phantis

    Phantis Supporter

    Oct 20, 2016
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    Ahh, farewell to you too, Wulf. I visited a few days ago, other than that I haven't really played since the DayZ update (which I barely played). I hope to eventually happen to see you when I happen to randomly visit sometime.

    I hadn't heard of this band of yours. I'd be interested to hear about it.

    "Friend Request Failed

    RetopMC#3991 is not accepting friend requests. They'll have to add you to become friends."

    Also, Steam? What other games you got/play?
  3. SuspressedRifle

    SuspressedRifle Member

    Jan 6, 2019
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    Well uhhh Reptop, I never hated you nor disliked you nor had any personal hates for you, I hope you believe me for that. I just thought that you were sometimes a little bit overreacting to things and since I didn't know your backstory, I sided with the others. I'm sorry for doing that without knowing what you've gone through. I really am. I am truly sad that you are quitting for good. I don't know much about yourself as Reptop or Xinton, but when you were IOwe, you were probably one of the guy I respected and followed the most. I really hope you great days and great future and hopefully we will meet again some day in the future. Until then, cheers!
  4. OdinFatherOfAll


    Feb 29, 2020
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  5. Ayrtonbeauy

    Ayrtonbeauy Supporter

    Aug 15, 2018
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    i <3 you iwulf
  6. Squishy

    Squishy Helper Supporter

    Aug 14, 2018
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    Iwulf your a fake and we’re utter trash to this community....

    that’s why I’ll miss you bud <3