What classes are you guys thinking of going? Personally, I'm going with archer, just interested to see what everyone else is into.
There are a lot of raiding weapons that aren't class specific. Kinda pointless to go raider. Maybe ill change later theough my playthrough. I can also use my favorite raiding weapon even though it is class specific i want that Dbal really bad.
Like this update will ever come out. Tell me, how long have you been waiting? This has been literally years upon years and it will most likely take another two or three years if it ever were to be released, smhsw
I still have yet to to decide. It’s been so long I forgot about most of the information about the classes.
Warrior: Blades Barbarian: Martial Pikeman: Spears Archer: Range Mage: Magic Heritic: Dark Faith Raider: Raiding Noble: Leadership Worker: Labour Paladin: Defence Cavalier: Taming Merchant: Wealth Priest: Light Faith Explorer: Exploration
Better descriptions eh? WEAK SAUCE Warrior- Solid Barbarian-Drunk Pikeman-Solid Archer-Early op, expensive as fuck later Mage- OP Heretic-Who in the fuck would even.. Raider-Who in the fuck would EVEN? Noble-Overzealous fuckbois Worker-Why. Paladin-Solid Cavalier- Weak Sauce early on, good mid game, useless late game because Dragons aren't class specific Merchant-Money B O I S get many decent stuffs Priest-Dece Explorer- Solid
You're drunk you fucking twat. Barb is the best class in game, try to fucking 1v1 a barb and see where u end up