username: quailgg94 server : Infernal Realms idea : soul bound weapons. why : so that donors. dont Lose items they donated for. alot of people have been getting killed Recently losing items They wouldn't have been Caught dead Dropping somewhere. Recently i'v noticed alot of donors Dieing losing them for no good reason because of pvp arena kills... or someone in spawn pushing them outside to kill them things like the END GAME items make those Soul bound Or if u dont want to do that u could add a item that will make Any item u put it on Soul bound ... maybe make this item Very expensive like 10 Fossil balls . Just to make a end game item soul bound ?
In the old infernal realms there were soulbound weapons which were obtained from ancient crates for donors, however for the new infernal they replaced this by giving players souls, so soulbound weapons aren't really that useful of any addition. Also soulbound weapons have some disadvantages- you lose them if you log out in pvp and can sometimes glitch out of your inventory. There is however a soulbound sword that you can buy at the fossil merchant at spawn. Recently many of the glitches that you talked about have been fixed and should not occur again, so in my opinion this suggestion would not be very useful.
I believe Yom makes OP wepeons not soul bound to give a chance to non donators to get them, and to make EULA think better of the server, SO that certain gear arent only possible to get by donating and therefor being "pay-to-win."