I have nothing else to do. Ign: PandaRice Rank:Highborn/VIP Donor rank I played during beta, and played over the course of 2 months I have seen my...
Someone call the Iceberg.
Why not: Ign: PandaRice
Dying is nothing to laugh about. Thanks for doing the right thing.
Yom said he wouldn't add anvils due to enchantment stacking.
If you got so much life stone, you created a better life for everyone?
W+M1 Pyro Ftw
Basically those hulk fists that kids by Yom_ Style
[ATTACH] Shhhh you saw nothing....
I'll join if you know how to W+M1
-Slowly backs up into the darkness-
I ship this. MyLittleCyanide
Seems legit
Poison is poison Gears= speed
I dont play S1. I'll give you one of my crimson blades.