So I've been banned from the discord because I wrote in the report chat. Ima say what happened: The Guy said something i didnt understand so i wrote: "if u have not placed your home then how do u do /home" then there was yom saying "Frosty dont write in report chat lasst warning" even tho i didnt get warned before then i was like "okay message sherrif" as a reference to the amazing spiderman 2 and then i wrote "i just wanted to help" he was like "dont test me dude" then I wrote "?" and then got banned. I mean like what was so bad that i did to get perma banned? I just wanted to help man not much no need to perma ban me because of this. (I got perma banned on the discord not on the server)
ok, I think there has been a mistake from Yom, I'll try to mention about this to Yom to see if I can do anything. Sorry for that :<
Youre not allowed to talk in reports section, its that simple. We need reports clear so we can quickly view them and fix them. We dont want to sift through a bunch of chat to find the actual reports. I told you to stop, you continued to talk in chat. I told you again final warning and then you tried joking around with the "Sheriff" comment and continued to talk in reports. If you cant follow instructions you will be banned. Denied
yom is a bitch dont worry, he banned me from yn cuz he was being a bitch on an alt so i called him out and he perma banned me lmfao, i think yom is on his period or something