Well. This happened but we're safe now (Aside from the overwhelming sadness at the loss of my messages and likes) and its a new start for all of us! YAY RESET #FirstNewThreadOnForums YEEET
#FirstThreadToBeQuotedAndLikedOnNewForums #FirstLikeRecievedOnNewForums #FirstQuoteRecievedOnNewForums Gtfo bitches you cant steal mai crown!
You're one of the only members who kept there profiles though, Since you created it before December 2016. It's complicated.
I have a theory why the forums were reset, it may have been due to everyone PMing Dren_cat about how to use the glitch where you can choose what item you want from any crate, and so the only way to remove all the evidence was to reset the forums. P.S. I'm Dren_Cat's female cousin