Since there's no list of staff members, I chose that I will make one here until we get one! I'm for sure going to forget many from the list, so please then just put on comments who I missed so I can add them! Owners Yom_ MinecraftB0ss Admins MegaV2 Luckydog242 Mods BlueAir T-Mods Fawnzee Warx247 Silver_FireWolf Helpers Mr_Asinine MyLittleUnicorn Arnye Amplepuddle (numbers?) DLLG Benny (Idk is he still helper +ign??)
I can already say I missed like half of the people or close enough from the list, made it just fast and too tired to think who I missed so little help here would be nice <3 ;D
I remembered OneAce but didnt add cuz I wasnt sure about his name.. Lol tbh taught it was OneEye or something.
Maybe I don't add the new helpers here yet before they have like the helper place for sure since theres so many, after they have been for a while around Ima add them so easier to see actually lol
Yes MyLittleUnicorn I did recently become helper and i do agree that maybe 20 odd was a bit too much but after about a week or two they will narrow down as they get fired / resign.