Base Revamp

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by 3DBlockz, Nov 25, 2022.


Do you feel as if these additions or only a few should be implemented?

  1. Yes.

  2. No.

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  1. 3DBlockz


    Nov 25, 2022
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    The idea of a base/clan revamp should hopefully balance clans, make Yom Network more competitive and help smaller clans to progress. Keep in mind that every word in this thread counts, so if this interests you someway you should read to the end.

    Creating a base on Yom Network as a solo has always been a task. Starting off with finding the perfect location, gathering resources such as metal, wood, or any building material, then getting offline raided. This caused me and many other players to either turn to the vault at spawn, or building a base with no clan home. Of course this is a viable way to play DayZ, I feel as if building and raided could be somewhat more competitive and fun for the average DayZ player.


    One of the first and most important revamps I would add would be removing the ability to break blocks such as barricades, barbed wire and tents without starting a raid. Implementing this would force the player to start a raid in order to get to the bases loot. Also have raids last around 45 minutes.

    This next addition would cause an announcement to the server when a player starts a raid. This would announce to chat in which city, town, camp, or field the base is being raided.

    To remove counter raiders from immediately starting someone else failed raid, there should be a one hour cooldown on raiding a specific base.

    Craft able furnaces. This will be useful for a suggestion that comes later in the thread.

    Banning the use of ender pearls in bases. (You still would be able to use jet packs) This would allow the base to have multiple stages and the ability to build outside of a town.

    Metals are somewhat easier to find in higher end locations. This is not necessary but is more of a quality of life change.

    The clan can expand there territory for 5k points. (Max 32x32) If this were to be implemented it most likely have some changes and tweaks.

    Craft able Turrets which can carry any gun that shoots gunpowder based ammunition. This is somewhat of an extreme addition although this would help with offline raiding (Also removing the bandits and other npcs that guard bases)

    Those changes were more to benefit the base builder, now time for changes to buff the raiders.

    Reworked explosives and farming. The ability to farm up gun powder or other materials in your base, after these materials are farmed they can be taken to specific locations that have refineries. These materials then can be refined down into explosives.

    Clan outposts, these will be temporary bases that a clan can place for something such as raiding. They should only have a building radius of around 6x6 blocks, and will be deleted after two hours.

    Monthly clan leaderboards. After a clan breaks another clans flag they gain 1 clan score, (also a clan who breaks some other clans flag that has 6 clan score, will gain those 6+1 points) The clan that has the most points at the end of the months will gain buffs or items such as, 10% loot bonus for one week, high end guns, soul crates, or even money.


    Once again these changes may be somewhat drastic and a lot for one update, although I feel as if this could be one of the biggest revamps that Yom Network has seen yet.