Narthoolis Needs A Change.

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by SlayerWR, Nov 25, 2016.

  1. SlayerWR

    SlayerWR Member

    Oct 20, 2016
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    If you fought Narthoolis, you would know how frustrating the boss is. It shoots annoying Armor-Penetration blasts, lights you on fire for an eternity, and jumps every 2-3 seconds. With So much Health, the boss is Almost Impossible even with many people. Of course it's supposed to be hard, but it's just too frustrating to deal with this. It feels poorly made, and doesn't even feel fun to fight because of how ludicrously ANNOYING it is. Here's a few suggestions.
    *The boss needs larger hitbox - While this seems hard to manage, because of the monster you have to pick to give the model (ID) for Narthoolis (Being a Zombie, one of the only monsters that can HOLD items) it just has too small of a hitbox. (Coders are everywhere, can't you create a custom hitbox? I've heard you need Forge to do something like this...) Hitting with arrows is a big challenge, because it...
    *Jumps too much - To make it more of a dragon feel, why the HELL NOT give it levitation? You could fluctuate the levitation (experimenting in the very high numbers will actually make you fall DOWN) making the boss rise up and down. It could travel slower, but it can actually fly like a dragon should. To balance the difficulty of the boss's flight, reduce the damage of the projectiles it fires.

    That's about it. All of this are just my thoughts on this to make this boss actually FUN to fight. Thanks for reading
  2. Arnye

    Arnye Member

    Oct 20, 2016
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    I agree with this, we like raged a lot when me you and camo fought the boss before
  3. hyunwooklee

    hyunwooklee Member

    Oct 25, 2016
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    Or yom could simply Remove all Armour-penetrating abilities, because there's actually no counter play to it, If yom removes the armour penetrating abilities, so much strageties could be created out of that, Rewarding players who are experienced.